Event Object ( [id:Event:private] => 11346 [start_date:Event:private] => [end_date:Event:private] => [ended:Event:private] => [title:Event:private] => Last Night of the Proms [reo_title:Event:private] => Te Pō Rangatū Whakamutunga [primary_category:Event:private] => Array ( [url] => https://www.rotoruanui.nz/event-category/performing-arts/ [slug] => performing-arts [title] => Performing Arts ) [recommended_age:Event:private] => Array ( [all_ages] => 1 [minimum_age] => [maximum_age] => ) [age_range:Event:private] => All Ages [location:Event:private] => Rotorua Baptist Church Malfroy Road [location_full:Event:private] => Rotorua Baptist Church Malfroy Road, Victoria, Rotorua [location_lat_lng:Event:private] => Array ( [lat] => -38.1449419 [lng] => 176.2424469 ) [event_guide_date:Event:private] => Tuesday 2 September - 11am - 12.45pm [next_occurrence:Event:private] => Array ( [start] => Cake\Chronos\Chronos Object ( [date] => 2025-09-02 11:00:00.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => Pacific/Auckland ) [end] => Cake\Chronos\Chronos Object ( [date] => 2025-09-02 12:45:00.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => Pacific/Auckland ) [ended] => ) [first_occurrence:Event:private] => Array ( [start] => Cake\Chronos\Chronos Object ( [date] => 2025-09-02 11:00:00.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => Pacific/Auckland ) [end] => Cake\Chronos\Chronos Object ( [date] => 2025-09-02 12:45:00.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => Pacific/Auckland ) ) [last_occurrence:Event:private] => Array ( [start] => Cake\Chronos\Chronos Object ( [date] => 2025-09-02 11:00:00.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => Pacific/Auckland ) [end] => Cake\Chronos\Chronos Object ( [date] => 2025-09-02 12:45:00.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => Pacific/Auckland ) ) [single_occurrence:Event:private] => 1 [all_occurrences:Event:private] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [start] => Cake\Chronos\Chronos Object ( [date] => 2025-09-02 11:00:00.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => Pacific/Auckland ) [end] => Cake\Chronos\Chronos Object ( [date] => 2025-09-02 12:45:00.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => Pacific/Auckland ) [canceled] => Array ( ) ) ) [header_type:Event:private] => image [featured_image:Event:private] => Array ( [ID] => 11345 [id] => 11345 [title] => Proms [filename] => Proms.jpg [filesize] => 492679 [url] => https://www.rotoruanui.nz/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Proms.jpg [link] => https://www.rotoruanui.nz/event/last-night-of-the-proms-2/attachment/proms/ [alt] => [author] => 227 [description] => [caption] => [name] => proms [status] => inherit [uploaded_to] => 11346 [date] => 2024-10-03 02:09:00 [modified] => 2024-10-03 02:09:40 [menu_order] => 0 [mime_type] => image/jpeg [type] => image [subtype] => jpeg [icon] => https://www.rotoruanui.nz/wp-includes/images/media/default.png [width] => 1000 [height] => 570 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => https://www.rotoruanui.nz/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Proms-150x150.jpg [thumbnail-width] => 150 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Array ( [ID] => 11345 [id] => 11345 [title] => Proms [filename] => Proms.jpg [filesize] => 492679 [url] => https://www.rotoruanui.nz/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Proms.jpg [link] => https://www.rotoruanui.nz/event/last-night-of-the-proms-2/attachment/proms/ [alt] => [author] => 227 [description] => [caption] => [name] => proms [status] => inherit [uploaded_to] => 11346 [date] => 2024-10-03 02:09:00 [modified] => 2024-10-03 02:09:40 [menu_order] => 0 [mime_type] => image/jpeg [type] => image [subtype] => jpeg [icon] => https://www.rotoruanui.nz/wp-includes/images/media/default.png [width] => 1000 [height] => 570 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => https://www.rotoruanui.nz/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Proms-150x150.jpg [thumbnail-width] => 150 [thumbnail-height] => 150 [medium] => https://www.rotoruanui.nz/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Proms-300x171.jpg [medium-width] => 300 [medium-height] => 171 [medium_large] => https://www.rotoruanui.nz/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Proms-768x438.jpg 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[description] => [caption] => [name] => operatunity-blue [status] => inherit [uploaded_to] => 4515 [date] => 2021-07-19 23:30:33 [modified] => 2021-07-19 23:36:40 [menu_order] => 0 [mime_type] => image/png [type] => image [subtype] => png [icon] => https://www.rotoruanui.nz/wp-includes/images/media/default.png [width] => 1484 [height] => 1600 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => https://www.rotoruanui.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Operatunity-Blue-150x150.png [thumbnail-width] => 150 [thumbnail-height] => 150 [medium] => https://www.rotoruanui.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Operatunity-Blue-278x300.png [medium-width] => 278 [medium-height] => 300 [medium_large] => https://www.rotoruanui.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Operatunity-Blue-768x828.png [medium_large-width] => 768 [medium_large-height] => 828 [large] => https://www.rotoruanui.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Operatunity-Blue-950x1024.png [large-width] => 950 [large-height] => 1024 [1536x1536] => 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[event-news-thumb-height] => 190 [gform-image-choice-sm] => https://www.rotoruanui.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Operatunity-Blue.png [gform-image-choice-sm-width] => 278 [gform-image-choice-sm-height] => 300 [gform-image-choice-md] => https://www.rotoruanui.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Operatunity-Blue.png [gform-image-choice-md-width] => 371 [gform-image-choice-md-height] => 400 [gform-image-choice-lg] => https://www.rotoruanui.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Operatunity-Blue.png [gform-image-choice-lg-width] => 557 [gform-image-choice-lg-height] => 600 ) ) [bg_img:Event:private] => https://www.rotoruanui.nz/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Proms.jpg [price_range:Event:private] => [price_range_output:Event:private] => Range of ticket options available )

Get ready for a right royal romp with Last Night of the Proms!
Operatunity presents a flag-waving, foot-stomping, and heartwarming musical extravaganza that will have you singing your heart out. Join us for a concert filled with Gilbert and Sullivan, war songs, ballads, singalongs, jokes, and much frivolity. Don your red, white, and blue, grab a Union Jack, and immerse yourself in this spirited celebration of timeless classics such as “Jerusalem,” “Land of Hope and Glory,” and “Rule Britannia”, alongside a medley of patriotic, comic, and classical favorites. Operatunity’s Last Night of the Proms promises to be a stirring iteration of a time-honored tradition, infused with our signature fun and flair. Don’t miss this chance to be part of this sensational showcase of music and merriment, as we come together for an event filled with joy, camaraderie, and unforgettable sing-along moments.
Susan Boland
Alex Foster-Winder
Cameron Barclay (TBC)
Ben Makisi
Amanda Atlas
Derek Hill
Tracey Collins
Penny Dodd
Prepaid tickets $39 + discounts for groups, Door Sale tickets $42
NZ Tour 26 August – 26 September 2025
Concerts start 11am
General admission seating
Doors open 10am
Complimentary morning tea included
TO BOOK: Call toll free 0508 266 237 or email bookings@operatunity.co.nz