Te Manawa
1249 Tutanekai Street, Rotorua 3010, New Zealand- Toilets On Site
- Food & Beverage
- Mobility Parking
- Mobility Access
Te Manawa means 'The Heart' and in this case symbolises both the heart of the city but also the heartfelt story of the two lovers Hinemoa and Tūtānekai. The two carvings celebrate the legend of the two lovers who would not be separated, and were finally joined when Hinemoa swam from Hinemoa Point to Mokoia Island, the home of Tūtānekai.
Two transects (paved lines) have been incorporated which run underneath each of the carvings and point directly to the lover's homes – Hinemoa Point and Mokoia Island.
This space offers summer seating with bean bags and umbrellas and plays home to range of events adding vibrancy to the inner city, including the Rotorua Farmers Market on Sunday mornings (weather permitting).
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